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Marína Abramovič Po Sebe Neupratuje


29. 5. 19:30 Live performance

A collaborative project of artists, mostly graduates of the VŠVU Intermedia, which is on the borderline between theatre and performance. The emphasis is not on the plot or a specific sequence of situations, but on the overall atmosphere, where the actors and the environment play a similarly important role. The project is site and time specific and is created as a joint work through the intersection of the interests of the actors. It can be perceived as a zen-like experience where there is no need to search for meaning or significance, but the presence of a reflection of a social mood is more than likely.


Art collective Marína Abramovič Po Sebe Neupratuje (Marina Abramovič does not clean up after herself) focuses on current social issues ranging from social memory, affective or apathetic politics to attention economy and online identities. In their work they emphasize nonhierarchical approaches to performance, art and society. In their projects they always work with diverging perspectives and interests of each performer, focusing on building up atmosphere and space for action, rather than having a scenario or message. The collective was founded in 2015 as a collective of students and graduates of the Intermedia department of Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.

Participants: Alice Cayol, Alexandra Straková, Andrea Priecelová, Anežka Petrová, Barbora Trnková, Denisa Slavkovská, Dominika Koššová, Dorota Brázdovičová, Eleonóra Stanková, Emilya Vereshagina, Erik Janeček, Erik Pánči, Erik Ždila, Gabriela Halás, Juraj Mydla, Jiří Sikora, Laura Accardo, Lenka Adamcová, Lucia Oleňová, Lýdia Ondrušová, Kasha Potrohosh, Kristína Vachova, Maja Štefančíková, Magdaléna Žiaková, Martin Toldy, Matej Kaminský, Matej Myslovič, Matúš Gavorník, Mária Macková, Michaela Eliášová, Miriam Frkáňová, Nikola Balberčáková, Nina Nagyová, Oľga Dóšová, Radovana Kala, Renáta Pinterová, Samuel Chovanec, Sandra Ružić, Tatiana Takáčová, Tomáš Košarišťan, Tomáš Javůrek, Tsudoi Matsuda, Viktória Revická, Stanislav Krajči, Veronika Untzeitigová
Spolupráce : András Cséfalvay (SK), Ateliér IN VŠVU (SK), Ateliér Performance FaVU (CZ), Asfd Divadlo ašttnkorazd fildj (SK), Jaro Varga (SK), Plastique Fantastique (DE/FR)

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